I'm Álvaro (or Álva for short). This is a collection of anything that crosses my mind that I find remotely cool or interesting. That may include a mix of music, thoughts, and any oddities of the universe. Maybe you'll find something mildly interesting and decide to stay! That being said, enjoy my little corner of the internet.
Other topics may include, but are not limited to:
Hover over the I ♡ physical media!
March 10, 2025: It was pouring rain this morning, so I had to walk in the rain (with an umbrella obviously), but I still got wet. My feet are cold and the lower portion of my pants are soaked. I just have to pray that my bookbag doesn't get wet as I have electronics in there.
March 7, 2025: I forgot racism still existed. People's eyes fill up with so much hatred when you speak differently than them.
It scares the life out of me, but I guess that's what you get when you live in Yee Haw country.
I suppose that surrounding yourself with decent human beings has that effect on you.